Employee Performance, Public Service, State Civil ApparatusAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya peningkatan kinerja pegawai bagian pelayanan masyarakat untuk memperoleh KTP elektronik pada pelayanan publik di Kantor Kecamatan Kledung Kabupaten Temanggung. Penelitian ini dimulai pada bulan Desember 2021. Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian diskriptif kualitatif dengan jumlah sampel 29 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposif sampling. Teknik analisis data interactive model of analysis.Kinerja pegawai diukur dari aspek kualitas, ketepatan waktu, efektifitas, kemandirian dan komitmen petugas pelayanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kinerja pegawai bagian pelayanan dari aspek kualitas dapat dikategorikan sesuai peraturan yang berlaku. Dari aspek ketepatan waktu pelayanan dapat dikategorikan tepat walaupun masih ada sedikit kendala, dari aspek efektifitas pelayanan dapat dikategorikan efektif walaupun masih ada sedikit masalah yang berkaitan dengan keterlambatan. Aspek kemandirian dalam pelayanan dikategorikan mandiri, ramah dan sopan dalam melayani pengunjung kadang ada juga kendala ketika petugas sudah lelah sehingga menjadi kurang sabar. Dari aspek komitmen dalam pelayanan dapat dikategorikan memiliki komitmen yang tinggi karena sudah menjadi tanggung jawab ASN untuk melayani masyarakat.Adapun untuk rekomendasiyang ditetapkan adalah meningkatkan kemampuan petugas bagian pelayanan dengan cara mengikutkan pendidikan dan pelatihan pada petugas entry data baik melalui pelatihan software maupun hardware agar nantinya tidak menemui kendala pada waktu bekerja. Senantiasa mengadakan bimbingan dan evaluasi untuk kelancaran pelayananan, berusaha memberikan pelayanan prima kepada pengunjung dan senantiasa penjaga keamanan kenyamanan bagi pengunjung.
This study aims to determine the efforts to improve the performance of public service employees to obtain electronic ID cards in public services at the Kledung District Office, Temanggung Regency. This research began in December 2021. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study with a sample of 29 people. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data analysis techniques interactive model of analysis. Employee performance is measured from aspects of quality, timeliness, effectiveness, independence and commitment of service personnel. The results of the study show that the performance of service employees from the quality aspect can be categorized according to applicable regulations. From the aspect of timeliness of service, it can be categorized as appropriate although there are still a few obstacles, from the aspect of service effectiveness it can be categorized as effective, although there are still a few problems related to delays. Aspects of independence in service are categorized as independent, friendly and polite in serving visitors, sometimes there are also obstacles when the officers are tired so they become impatient. From the aspect of commitment to service, it can be categorized as having a high commitment because it is the responsibility of ASN to serve the community.As for the recommendations that have been set, it is to increase the ability of service officers by including education and training for data entry officers, both through software and hardware training so that later they do not encounter obstacles at work. Always holding guidance and evaluation for smooth service, trying to provide excellent service to visitors and always guarding the security of comfort for visitors.
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